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Colliers Green Church of England Primary School

It's beginning to look.....

....a lot more wintery. The forest floor is covered in a thick duvet of chestnut leaves and patterned with birch, oak and hazel accents. The challenge this week was to find as many different species of leaves and thread them onto week we are going to identify them. I will bring books & pictures to support you but if you would like a head start, I've attached an ID sheet, a link to a website all about British trees with lots of interesting information and fabulous photos AND a multiple choice quiz with bonus fun facts.

There was lots of opportunity for free choice this week and the children returned to their shop trading game which involved using the powers of persuasion, marketing and advertising skills, compromise and team work....The power of play!

In the fire circle, small groups made colourful eco firelighters which will be on sale at the Christmas fair on Saturday 3rd December. Watch this week's video to get a little flavour of our session. 


  • Katy Green 2 years ago
    So pleased the firelighters turned out so well 😄

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