Fairtrade Visit to the Co-op
On Monday 13th February, enthusiastic members of the Green Team met at the Co-op as part of our work on Global Citizenship.
This visit focused on Fairtrade. We were greeted by Co-op staff members, Jamie and Tracy, who helped us find many Fairtrade items in store including delicious fresh fruit, that we later converted into healthy smoothies back at school!
Click here to see photos of our Fairtrade visit.
We also obtained some ingredients in preparation for our Fairtrade bake sale that we will be holding during Fairtrade Fortnight (27th February-12th March). All money raised from this sale will go to Oxfam, a global charity, who are working to end the injustice of poverty as well as helping people rebuild their lives at times of crisis such as the recent devastation caused by the Turkey-Syria earthquake.
We hope that your support of our bake sale will help Oxfam teams and local partners to get food, clean water and emergency shelter to affected communities.