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Colliers Green Church of England Primary School

Meadow Browns - A September Storm & Sneezy Dragons!

Meadow Browns had to turn around and head back to the school today when a unforecasted thunderstorm put a stop to our fun in the woods. Luckily, whilst the thunder rumbled and the lightning cracked outside the Den, we felt safe and dry. We played games and learnt about the fire triangle and fire safety.

As soon as the storm had passed, we headed outside to burn off some energy, breathe in some fresh air and climb trees.

Having learnt about the ingredients of a fire: the fire triangle - fuel, heat and oxygen. Many of the children began their fire lighting journey by learning how to create sparks with the fire-steels. They experimented, offered each other advice, practised with different techniques, praised each other and delighted in their newfound skills.

The storm didn't ruin our morning, but we REALLY want to get back in the woods next week!