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Colliers Green Church of England Primary School

Green Team News


  • 13/12/22

    Grant success!

    We are delighted to have received a grant from Sussex Lund, a collaboration between the High Weald AONB Partnership and the Lund Trust, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin to restore our school pond and develop our environmental area.
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  • 03/12/22

    Christmas Fair

    Congratulations to the Green Team who successfully raised £51.50 for the World Wildlife Fund at the Christmas Fair. This money will be used to adopt a turtle with the balance being given to Class3 to help towards their chosen adoption of an endangered species as part of their class topic work...
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  • 08/11/22

    Plastic is not fantastic!

    Today we learnt more about the dangers of plastic pollution to many forms of wildlife.
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  • 26/10/22

    Beach Clean-Up at Camber Sands

    As part of our work to protect marine life we organised a beach clean-up at Camber Sands.
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  • 12/10/22

    Environmental review

    Congratulations to the Green Team committee who have now completed an Environmental Review of our school and have decided that this year we will focus our efforts on Energy, Marine Life and Global Citizenship. Our Action Plan can be viewed below.
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