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Colliers Green Church of England Primary School

Forest School News

All the latest from the woods
  • 20/09/24

    Meadow Browns - A September Storm & Sneezy Dragons!

    Meadow Browns had to turn around and head back to the school today when a unforecasted thunderstorm put a stop to our fun in the woods. Luckily, whilst the thunder rumbled and the lightning cracked outside the Den, we felt safe and dry. We played games and learnt about the fire triangle and fire saf...
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  • 13/09/24

    Meadow Browns - Bugs, Building & Burrowning

    Back in the woods in the summer and the sunlight was casting beautiful shadows through the leafy canopy. The Meadow Browns were excellent at remembering their Forest School promises and the ways in which they could keep themselves, each other and woodland safe. This meant there was plenty of time to...
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