Pumpkins, spiders and wondrous webs!
The children were invited to bring their Halloween pumpkins into the woods today.
We discussed how much the woodland animals would enjoy this special feast and how it would prevent the pumpkins just being thrown away and sent to land fill sites. All the children chose a special place to leave their pumpkins and next week we will try and work out what animals have been tucking into these delicious treats.
Inspired by the story about Walter’s Wonderful Web, some of the children had a go at creating a variety of spiders’ webs. Fine motor skills were practised as webs were carefully woven into the centre of pumpkins, others were crafted around twigs and a very hard-working group of children managed to create a giant spider web obstacle course!
With so many wonderful webs around we needed lots of … spiders! Using conkers, children put their skills with palm drills to good use by creating some very friendly, colourful spiders. There is an old wives’ tale that if you place a conker in your house it will keep the spiders away. The children are going to investigate this story to see if it is fact or fiction by leaving their conker spiders around the house. Don’t be alarmed if you see one peeping out at you! We look forward to hearing our young scientists’ reports next week.
Click here to see photos from this session.