Home School Agreement
Two hard copies of this agreement are sent home at the beginning of each academic year for you to sign. One is to for you to keep and the other is returned to the school office.
Statement of Intent
The purpose of this Home-School Partnership Agreement is to enable you as parents/carers, us as educators and your child as a learner to fully understand our respective responsibilities and to work in partnership to support learning and development.
Set out below are the responsibilities of The School, The Parents/Carers and The Child
Responsibilities of the school
We will:
- value your child as an individual with their own unique learning profile
- provide your child with the opportunity to learn about the faith of the Church as part of a full education within a Christian environment
- provide a well-managed and caring environment where your child feels secure and safe
- challenge your child within a broad and balanced curriculum framework designed to encourage them to realise their potential
- set, mark and monitor homework for your child that will consolidate, prepare for or practice work that is taking place in school
- inform parents early about any concerns relating to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing, attainment or progress in their child’s learning
- support parents to facilitate their child’s learning at home
- provide parents with regular information about their child’s attendance, behaviour, attainment and progress in their learning through Parents’ Evenings, meetings and written reports
- keep parents informed about school activities through the school website, Facebook page, fortnightly newsletters, ‘This Week’s Learning’ and notices of special events
- act upon any disclosures in the area of child protection following the school’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies
Responsibilities of parents and carers
I/We will:
- encourage my child to be enthusiastic about their learning, to work hard and to have high aspirations for their own achievements
- give my child a healthy breakfast, a healthy break time snack and packed lunch (if not having school lunches) to ensure my child is not hungry during school time
- ensure my child attends school every day, on time, properly equipped and wearing the correct (named) uniform, including sports kit and Forest School clothing
- ensure that my child is supervised by whoever drops/collects him/her/them until they have entered the multi surface games area in the morning or left the school premises in the evening
- inform school by 09:00 if my child is ill and unable to attend school
- support all of the school’s Policies, paying particular regard to our Attendance, Behaviour and On-line Safety policies
- embrace and positively support the school’s ethos
- advise the school of any concerns that may affect my child’s learning, wellbeing or behaviour (to include any issues related to other children – any concerns should be discussed with staff, not parents)
- give my child opportunities for learning at home and support tasks sent from school
- attend parents’ evenings twice a year
- attend meetings, at the request of the school, to discuss any issues with my child’s attendance, behaviour or progress
- be mindful of teachers preparation and marking time at the beginning and end of the school day
- read ‘This Week’ and the fortnightly school newsletter on the school’s website
- use the school’s Facebook policy in line with the required joining questions
- ensure that my child/children do not bring phones or tablets to school
- reply to school letters and permission slips promptly, giving reply slips to the office/class teacher
- ensure that when lifts are required these are organised
Responsibilities of the child
I will:
- come to school every day, on time and ready to learn
- be well behaved at school
- bring all the equipment I need each day including PE kit and Forest School clothes and appropriate footwear
- listen carefully to my teacher and take an interest in my learning
- do all my class work and homework as well as I can
- wear my school uniform with pride and be tidy in appearance
- show respect to others and be polite and helpful
- take good care of the school building and equipment
- take responsibility for my learning as I grow up
In partnership together, we will:
- support children’s learning to help them to truly realise their potential
- instil a lifelong love of learning
- nurture capable, resilient and independent young people who take responsibility for their own futures with respect and care for others